You should have at least 1 gallon of water/person/day for your Emergency Supply of water (according to, and have a minimum of a 3 day supply. You may need this water for drinking, sanitation, and food preparation. If you’re like me, you will buy bottled water to keep for your emergency supply of water, but how many bottles of water do you need? How many bottles of water are equal to 1 gallon?
There are 16.90 ounces (500 ml) in a standard bottle of water, and there are 128 ounces in a gallon. To calculate how many bottles of water are in a gallon, you divide 128 by 16.9. There are 7.57 bottles of water in a gallon.
The table I made below gives you an idea of how many bottles of water you will need for your emergency supply. The package of water that I buy at Walmart hold 40 bottles of water (some only have 24). Divide the numbers in the chart below by how many bottles are in the case of water you buy to know how many cases you will need.

For example, a family of 4 will need approximately 92 bottles of water to have a 3 day supply (1 gallon, per person, per day). If you buy packages of 40 bottles (I buy them at Walmart), you will need 92/40= 2.3 cases of water; so you should buy at least 3 cases of water (since you can’t buy 0.3 cases).
This section is part of a longer post, that is about how long your bottled water will last. Thanks for reading!