Hello! I am the creator of this website, and have worked in EMS for 11 years. I have worked as a Paramedic and/or EMT in a 911 setting, private ambulance service, Hospital, Fire Department, and as a Wild-Land Firefighter/EMT.
I created this site as an informational website site for EMTs, potential future EMTS, and people with that are interested in emergency medicine/preparedness.
If you have any questions or recommendations for this website, please feel free to click the contact button and send me a message!
TrueEmergency.com is an emergency preparedness opinion blog, and it is for informational purposes only. The content of this site is based on the author’s opinion; it does not represent any organization’s or company’s opinion that the author has worked for. Any information on TrueEmergency.com does not provide medical advice. Any information on this website is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge, but there may be errors, omissions, or mistakes. Anything shown on this website is for informational purposes only, and shouldn’t be seen as any kind of advice, such a medical, legal, or other type of advice. If you rely on any information on this website, it is at your own risk. Even though the author has worked as a healthcare provider, the posts on this blog are for informational purposes only and should not be seen as health, nutritional, medical, legal, etc… advice, and the readers should consult with their Medical Doctor before taking any sort of action. Trueemergency.com reserves the right to change how it manages its content, and it may change the focus of the content at any time.
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